Maxis started sponsoring EPL last year which will end probably around next year. Celcom took the challenge and now it will sponsor EURO 2008.
I wonder what has football got to do with doing a telecom business? Those money could be used to develop in house, new services, content or improve broadband services and increase 3G coverage.
User will automatically switch to a Telco that has good services and quality network. There is no need of such "international branding".
What a waste!!!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Celcom sponsors EURO 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Rasa sayu sangat hari nie. Entah kenapa, sejak pulang dari menziarah wan di hospital semalam, aku asyik teringatkan wan jer. Macam mana keadaan wan sekarang yek? Semalam masa menziarah wan di HKL, aku terkejut melihat keadaan wan yang terlalu uzur.. Tak macam 3 bulan lepas. Keadaan wan terlalu lemah. Dia tak boleh menelan makanan, minum air pun tak nak, susah bernafas, dan dah tak kenal orang lagi.Ya Allah!! nak menangis rasanya bila aku melihat keadaan wan. Bila kenangkan keadaan wan, aku betul2 tak setuju dengan tindakan makdak dan suami memberi keizinan kepada doctor untuk menebuk lobang diantara tulang rusuk dan peparu wan. Mengikut doctor, wan mengidap peparu berair. Tindakan doctor tebuk lubang di dada wan hanya bertujuan untuk mengambil sample air dan buat kajian, bukannya nak buang air di luar peparu. Aku tak setuju!!!! Tindakan nie hanya membuatkan wan bertambah sakit!!!! Wan sudah tua.. dah berumur 89 tahun.. Sudah terlalu uzur!!!
Yang amat menyedihkan, makdak langsung tak dengar cakap abah.. Abah merayu suruh makdak batalkan operation wan, tapi dia tak hiraukan.. Abah tidur di HKL malam tadi. Dia temankan wan sehingga pagi. Pukul 8.00 pagi wan dihantar kebilik bedah. Akibat tak sanggup melihat wan dihantar kebilik bedah, abah terus balik rumah.. Abah tak tunggu sehingga wan habis operation.
Macam mana keadaan wan sekarang yek? Mampukah dia menahan kesakitan yang dialaminya itu? Aku hanya mampu berdoa agar Allah swt meringankan penderitaan wan. Ya Allah ampunkan segala dosa-dosa wan aku. Janganlah kau pikulkan kepadanya apa yang tak mampu dipikulnya. Ya Allah, kurniakanlah rahmatMu buat wan.
Firman Allah swt :
" Dan barang siapa yang Kami panjangkan umurnya niscaya Kami kembalikan dia kepada kejadiannya (maksudnya kembali lemah dan kurang akal). Maka apakah mereka tidak memikiran?
Surah Yasin Ayat 68
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The worlds first Diamond Bluetooth Headset
This extremely limited edition headset is made from 18K gold and features over 180 brilliant cut diamonds, a total of 3.47 carats. The headset is comes with the choice between white or yellow 18k gold and with the added option to customise with white, pink or even black diamonds.
The headset will come in a half loaded and fully loaded version priced at £4,000 (approximately RM27, 145) and £6,250 (approximately RM42, 414) respectively. Can’t afford the headset but want to take a look at it? Head on to and look for the headset section. You can also see other luxury phone models there.
Findout more at
Monday, March 17, 2008
Log on to for info more about Surf with U.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Mobile Number Portability
Mobile Number Portability
The Mobile Number Portability(MNP) is expected to launch by second quarter of this year. Although Malaysia is late to offer this service-Singapore started in 1997, Hong Kong in 1999 and Australia in 2001- it would still be an advantage for Malaysia to learn from these countries as MNP has resulted bad damages to the mobile industry in certain counties.
With MNP, you could remain your number while switching your mobile operator. This gives a clear message to the mobile operator that the best services/offering wins the biggest pie of the market. In other words, as an example, DiGi could lead the market overnight although it is cuurently the smallest mobile operator.
P:S: Are we ready to swicth to other mobile provider when MNP is implemented in Malaysia? How about Telcos? How about the customer data based & Billing System.... Macam mana nak bil customer yek?
New Celcom Executive Plan Launched
Celcom (Malaysia) Berhad has unveiled its latest postpaid plan called Celcom Executive Plan.
The Executive Plan, has a monthly fee of RM50 and it is targeted to business owners and working professionals above 25 years old.
The Celcom Executive Plan offers a flat rate of RM0.15 per minute and RM0.12 per SMS for all Malaysian calls within or outside the Celcom network.
The RM50 monthly fee will be waived if the usage is above RM50 and customers will only need to pay for what they had used and will also receive discount of up to 30% in their phone bill if their usage is above RM150 for the month.
'WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.......... Greats Savingg......